Are All House Cleaning Products Safe To Use?
We can say that we all pay special attention when it comes to choose the food we eat. We always double-check about the kinds of ingredients it contains, or how it was taken care, what chemicals do it have. Not only that, but we make sure that all of these chemicals are not toxic to our family’s health. Likewise, when it comes to house cleaning products, we need to pay attention to what we are using. Most of them, are not safe to use, but in fact, many popular household cleaners are dangerously toxic.
How it can affect us
So, how does it exactly affect us these toxic house cleaning products? First of all, an average household product contains about 62 toxic chemicals. And what seems to be worst, some of them are not even indicated on the package. By using them in our daily cleaning routine, we are exposed to these toxic ingredients frequently. This where the problems lay. The fact that we are constantly exposed to them that causes a toxic burden to the body.
The consequences on our body
When someone is exposed to these toxic body burden in daily, weekly and monthly basis, we are more willing to get some of these diseases. That is, asthma, cancer, reproductive disorders, hormone disruption, neurotoxicity, tumors, etc. Not selecting the right house cleaning products, it’s very detrimental to our health. So, we need to be aware of what we are using in our houses.
For example, cleaning products that contains corrosive drain cleaners and acidic toilet bowls cleaners, can be harmful to our health. And our body may manifest it.
What to use
Luckily for us, there are many options to use non-toxic cleaning products. We, in Cleaning Services Chicago, are proud to say that all of our products are well-chosen to not affect your family and your health. With more than 10 years of experience around Chicago, we can provide you an excellent cleaning service with the best non-toxic products.
For instance, if you choose to use our Apartment Cleaning Chicago, we are committed to offer you the best service. For that, we prefer using cleaners, laundry detergents and personal care products that are labeled as “fragrance-free” or “unscented”.
These are the best option for you. Because these scented products are known to contain phthalates, which are endocrine disruptors. In order to avoid these, we choose a healthier option.
There are many safer options to use, if you want to keep your house clean and safe for you and your family. So, don’t hesitate about it, and learn about the safer choices. And be sure, we use them too. We’ll keep you and your family’s well-being.