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Commercial Cleaning Trends of 2022

Commercial Cleaning Trends of 2022

With every year new trends appear. And the cleaning sector isn’t an exception to this. People think that cleaning stays the same all the time but no, it keeps changing. It adapts to whatever the market needs. And these days, the cleaning sector has changed a lot. Today we bring you the commercial cleaning trends of 2022. Learn why commercial cleaning companies are doing them and how they are helping you.

Standards are more important

One thing that has happened since 2020 and continues up to today is high-quality cleaning. Okay, a lot of companies have done it before but it is necessary nowadays. Cleaning regulations have shifted lately and commercial cleaning companies know this. They adapt everything to make their cleaning service a lot better. High standards are even more important these days so it is good to keep an eye out for companies that do it. Those are the good ones.

Commercial Cleaning Trends 2022

Communication is key

If you think about it, as customers we didn’t care about what companies were doing for their cleaning. We just entered a place, bought what we wanted, and got out. Now, we are on the look for sanitizing stations, clean areas, disinfect counters, and so on. Companies and cleaning services are communicating this more often to give customers a sense of security.

Safety is a thing now

While in the past cleaning was only for looks, today is more about safety. Cleaning in a company tends to be more meticulous because you get customers. If something isn’t as clean as it needs to be it can become a hazard.

Commercial Cleaning Trends in 2022


Not literally though. What we mean is that cleaning companies are telling everyone what they use. A lot of companies are shifting to green and safe products to do their job. This helps both employees and customers.
These are the common commercial cleaning trends of 2022. Keep an eye out for them when you hire a service or go to a business. If you see a company cleaning like this, you’re in good hands.

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Green Cleaning

If there is one trend that applies to both homes and commercial properties, is green cleaning. A lot of people have realized the harm that chemicals in cleaning products do. That is why everyone is shifting towards an eco-friendlier approach. Also, for every company, it has turned out to be a lot cheaper than everyone thought. When it comes to buying green cleaning products you will quickly see how efficient and accessible they are. Some people underestimate this and continue using their normal products. And while not completely bad, they can be dangerous in the long run.
Commercial properties tend to be closed spaces. That is why any product can trigger a lot of allergies or reactions in employees. You should try to avoid them at all costs. We have talked about creating a safe environment for your employees, which can be achieved by cleaning. But, if you clean the right way.

New Technologies

While the majority of tools that companies use are the usual ones, some of them are shifting to a more technological approach. In what ways? Well, we’ve found two. Companies that offer floor cleaning, implement new floor cleaning machines. These machines are perfect to do the job fast and in a great way.
Another thing that companies are doing to shift to a more technological part, is the automation of the process. In what sense? Well, owners do not have to be present all the time during the cleaning day. Through mobile apps or websites, they can track every part of the process. This makes everything smoother and easier. Plus, you can manage everything the commercial cleaning company is doing in the business. It is a great way to give you peace of mind while also enjoying a quality cleaning service. So, thankfully, these companies are innovating every day with new things for you and your business.
cleaning trends of 2022

Customized Services

One other important thing that companies are offering and has become a trend is customizable services. A lot of people are looking for ways to make their cleaning services as personalized as possible. Why? Because this benefits the whole process of cleaning in a company. Also, you can ask the commercial cleaning company to clean depending on what you need. This is a perfect way to do a more focused cleaning job. As you know, there are a lot of industries that benefit from commercial cleaning. All of them require different types of cleaning processes. And also, another great thing is that they comply with all regulations. So, you can really get a personal experience for your business and not the same as always. So, always make sure to ask the company for a customized service. This is a plus for every commercial cleaning company out there.

office cleaning trends of 2022

Continuous training

One thing that both companies and customers love is to have trained professional cleaners. After all, commercial cleaning services are not always cheap. They are costly because they offer a professional service. By having people trained, you can be sure that nothing will go wrong. Part of continuous training is part of the adaptation to every company. Every single business has different needs. If a cleaning service adapts to this, it will be a lot better for you.

Another good part of having trained employees is that they will use and do everything more efficiently. Some companies charge a lot for the products they use. Yet, trained professionals will only use what is necessary so they do not affect anything in your business. This is great because you won’t jeopardize your employee’s comfort at all. And, if you want to make sure they have the proper credentials, you can always ask. The ideal cleaning company will always have its licenses and will be bonded. These things are great to give your company and you a lot more safety.

janitorial cleaning trends of 2022


Beyond the green cleaning part we already mentioned, sustainability is another good thing. This is something cleaning companies are trying to implement in their daily cleaning. Or in any cleaning service for that matter. This part is even more important for companies. As you know, sustainability has two benefits. The first and most important is that it helps the plan1et. Which is something we should all be doing. The second one is that it is cheaper. This is something that a lot of business owners will get behind. Remember that green cleaning isn’t the same as greenwashing. You can read our post on that. But yes, sustainability has become a huge part of this day’s cleaning culture. It is something we all should practice. At home and in the workplace.

Final thoughts

The cleaning industry, just like many others, keeps changing. This is something amazing because every single year we have new trends. Trends work in a way that the company adapts to what is happening. We saw back in 2020 how all industries had to adapt to what was going on. Now, we are slowly adapting back to the usual routine. But with new things, of course. So, it is always good to find a cleaning company that follows this year’s trends. Here in Quick Cleaning, we are always looking for ways to adapt to what’s happening. Our professional cleaners are trained and ready to follow all new commercial cleaning trends of 2022. All with the objective to give you a great cleaning experience. So, call us today and get started with your cleaning service. We offer free quotes for any commercial cleaning service. Call today and enjoy the benefits of Quick Cleaning!