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Simple Ways To Be A Green Company

Simple Ways To Be A Green Company

Firstly, companies are becoming increasingly aware of the environment due to the alarming data on pollution and destruction of the planet’s natural resources that are being published in recent years. That’s why in this post are the simple ways to be a green company.

Environmental pollution

In the first place, according to reports from the European Commission, more than 400,000 people die prematurely every year as a result of the poor quality of the air they breathe.

Heart attacks, chronic respiratory diseases, strokes, lung cancer… are some of the consequences related to air pollution caused by the improper use of certain substances by industries.


Ways to become a green company


Firstly, plan your objectives 

Plan your short and medium term goals. It is preferable to start slowly with achievable goals and from there to invest more in more efficient technology or tools that benefit the environment, such as the digitization of documents.

Raise employee awareness

Involving all staff is very important to successfully become a green company. Respect for the environment should be part of the culture and philosophy of the company and it would be even more effective if there was a department in charge of ensuring the proper implementation of the actions put in place.

Finally, reward commitment 

There are people who show greater interest in new actions that are implemented in their work, and being more respectful of the environment does not have to be an obligation for workers. For this reason, and even more so if it is not part of their duties and you do not have a department that monitors compliance with the actions.


Finally, there are more and more green companies not only in Chicago, but around the world. Become one of them or hire a cleaning service that is also committed to the environment. 

Quick Cleaning is the option you need!