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Types of Move In Cleaning

Types of Move In Cleaning

Is there a specific time for cleaning? Is cleaning after moving house only when the furniture and belongings have been moved to the new place? In this sense, it is necessary to think that moving involves at least different types of move in cleaning. All of them have different goals. While cleaning is the important one and the key part, the cleaning has to be different for each one. Today we tell you a bit more about all the cleaning types. For that, we refer to pre-cleaning, cleaning after moving, and during any change of environment.

Pre Move-In Cleaning

Pre-cleaning” refers to the cleaning that is carried out in the new home or office before the move. But is this cleaning really important? Of course, it is. This type of cleaning refers to adapting to the new environment to achieve complete cleanliness. In this way, the bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom areas will be ready for the move. This is a good way to get rid of any germs or things that have been left behind by other people.

Types of Move Out Cleaning
Types of Moving Day Cleaning

After Move-In Cleaning

After moving out, it is essential to clean the place again. Of course, in this case, it does not need to be as thorough as the previous one. Remember that boxes and even furniture can bring dust that will remain in the house. In addition, the passage of people during the move and even keeping the doors open causes these areas to become dirty.
This being so, it is very appropriate to carry out a cleaning that includes the elimination of dust from all areas. In addition, the objects, furniture, and everything that has been moved must also be conditioned for its new location. Hence the importance of cleaning after a move to start with a very pleasant environment.