Best Ways to Avoid Germs
Avoiding germs has always been a thing. Ever since we were kids parents have been teaching us how to avoid them, although it hasn’t been in a very strict way. With the current world situation and all the regulations we have in place now it is time to watch out for this. Today Quick Cleaning brings you the best ways to avoid germs.
Back to basics
One of the best ways to avoid germs is to constantly wash your hands. We know this is something really obvious but it truly works if you make a good habit of doing it constantly. As we mentioned in the beginning our parents, teacher and others have always taught us to do this but now, how often? How thorough?
Nowadays there are a lot more recommendations on how often you should wash your hands, here are a few:

-As soon as you come back home
-Right after preparing any type of food
-After using the bathroom
-After coughing or sneezing (even if you cover it with your elbow)
-After touching any pet
-Before and after eating
These recommendations sound quite obvious but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Clean Common Areas
This advice works for both people who have a business and homeowners. While the situation relaxes from time to time and we start welcoming more customers and guests to our places that is no reason to let our guard down. Now more than ever we need to pay attention to not let anything happen or worsen. Cleaning common areas in the office and at home will help prevent any sort of infection or worse. At home, for example, cleaning your living room, kitchen and the entrance’s doorknob can do wonders. These areas are common for people to get in touch with and they can leave germs there. If you make the habit of cleaning these things then all will be better.
Avoid going out unless it is necessary
Now, this might sound a bit extreme but if there aren’t reasons to go out then staying at home is your best bet. While we might be itching to go outside already sometimes it is better to be precautions and stay at home. However, by doing this just be sure to also have your place for everyone around you. When id doubt you can always go for a Cleaning Company to help you with everything at home.
Keeping track of everything might be daunting but in the end, it’ll be better for all. Remember to contact us with any questions you may have regarding cleaning and follow us for the best ways to avoid germs.
Call today to learn more about our Same Day Cleaning Services in Chicago.