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Influence Of Cleanliness On The Company’s Development

Influence of cleanliness on the company's development

When we think about starting a business, we do not realize how important it is to invest in cleaning protocols and that these can have repercussions in the future. Learn about the influence of cleanliness on the company’s development.


According to a study conducted by P&G, 9 out of 10 respondents said that the cleanliness of a business is a determining factor when deciding whether they would repeat their experience as consumers. Nobody wants to spend time in a place that smells bad, is untidy, dusty or dirty.

How does cleanliness influence the development of the company's activities?

The first impression will be a motivation for your customers, not only to return but also to recommend you to their acquaintances and represent a possible benefit for you. In addition, a clean and tidy environment will make your workers more comfortable and satisfied, improving their performance.

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Considerations for cleaning your business


Cleaning a warehouse, a restaurant or a store in general is not the same. There are details in which you will need to be more meticulous than others depending on your business, since cleanliness is synonymous with quality.
If you have a bodega or grocery store, don’t forget to dust the shelves and clean every product on display. If you sell in bulk, make sure the floor is free of residues: sweep it constantly and disinfect it.
The main counter, i.e. where the cash register is located, is where the customer will spend the most time while paying. It is important to keep it clean, tidy and germ-free at all times.

In a restaurant, the disinfection of surfaces is even more important since the constant traffic of people means that they can become contaminated and be a source of disease. Tables, bars and counters should be cleaned frequently, as well as floors due to the high traffic of people and the accumulation of food debris.

Basic cleaning products

There are products that should not be missing to keep it always clean and tidy, giving a good image to your customers. Mops, brooms and dust dusters will be your tools to leave your business sparkling clean.
But in addition to them, you also need to have supplies that will facilitate your work. Many of them have disinfectant properties, which is essential in a situation like the one we live in today with strict biosafety protocols.
Some examples are:

  • Glass cleaner: Whether for the tables in your restaurant, the counter of your store or the windows of your premises, it is always good to have it in your cleaning stock.
  • Detergent: Its diversity of uses makes it an essential ingredient for cleaning your business.
  • Garbage bags: Waste management is a crucial point in this aspect, so you will need garbage bags according to your needs.
  • Dishwasher: If you have a restaurant, you know how important it is to have a dishwasher always at hand.

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  • Floor Cleaning 

The floors of commercial premises accumulate a lot of dirt and grime due to the people that come and go throughout the working day. Daily sweeping or vacuuming and scrubbing is essential to maintain the necessary cleanliness and disinfection for a public place. Special importance should be given to the entrance of the premises, it should be clean, free of footprints or stains. 

  • Cleaning of furniture

In a store that displays its products to the public, this is done on display furniture or shelves distributed throughout the store. The way they look will say a lot about the image of the store. If the products are stained or covered with dust and lint, many customers will give up their idea of buying because of the unpleasant image they are getting. We hope this post on the influence of cleanliness in the development of the company will be useful to you.

  • Counter cleaning in commercial premises

The counter is a piece of furniture that should be guided by the same cleaning criteria as the displays. In fact, the counter requires more attention, since when someone buys, he spends time on it and can capture numerous details. There are also people who go directly to the counter without being anywhere else in the store, so it will capture the image it gives off at that moment.

  • Toilet cleaning 

Normally the restrooms are used by customers, so they should always be clean.  It is a delicate place in terms of disinfection and, used in a communal way, it requires a minimum of sanitization.

Other cleaning tasks


There are other cleaning tasks that are not performed on such a regular basis but are also carried out by a cleaning company. Pest control or rat extermination is usually carried out in case of occasional problems. Activities that require special machinery are more spaced in time, such as ozone cleaning or floor polishing and buffing. Premises that have a kitchen inside are not usually the majority, but in case there is a kitchen, this cleaning would be done at least a couple of times a week. The lamps are usually cleaned once a month, it all depends on the environment, if it is prone to fouling. 

Commercial cleaning service

Depending on the needs and characteristics of the commercial premises, some tasks will be needed or others. Or, for budget reasons, it is possible to hire cleaning services by the hour, instead of complete cleaning services. Cleaning companies are usually adapted to these needs, since, being public spaces, it may be necessary to clean the premises at certain times or with specific products different from conventional cleaning.

Hire a cleaning service for your business and forget about stress.

When requesting an estimate for the cleaning of premises, the cleaning company will take several issues into consideration in order to prepare it and thus be able to offer an estimate adapted to the needs of the premises, being able to adjust the costs according to its specific characteristics.

 The main aspects to take into account are:

  1. Location and locality of the commercial premises.
  2. Surface area in square meters of the areas to be cleaned.
  3. Distribution of the surface area: if there is a kitchen, number of rooms, floors…
  4. Number and size of windows, shop windows and mirrors, as well as the accessibility to them (if there are grilles or bars that hinder the work).
  5. Type of floor or pavement and if it has carpets or not.
  6. The cleaning schedule (in case of night cleaning the service could be a little more expensive)

If you need an estimate for your commercial premises, contact us without obligation. 


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