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Office Design Benefits Productivity

Office Design Benefits Productivity

Fortunately, we are not all the same. Thanks to that diversity, companies can benefit from different skills, abilities and ways of solving problems. Intergenerational coexistence in offices is an enriching bet, which more and more companies value as something positive. That is why this post is about office design benefits productivity.

Today, four different generations coexist in the workplace, each with its own strengths, its own corporate culture, and its own style of doing things.


The Baby Boom Generation is made up of people born between 1946 and 1964. They are optimistic workers, enjoy teamwork, appreciate flexibility and balance.

Generation X is made up of those born between 1965 and 1985. Members of this generation are more individualistic and autonomous, and are highly entrepreneurial. They are generally less formal than previous generations, and tend to focus on results rather than processes.


Millenials are the generation born after 1985. They are digital natives, so they are more skilled with media, digital technologies and can multitask. Also. they prefer to work in a team, and enjoy constant feedback and motivation.

Office design


Enhancing and valuing the diverse skills of each generation is essential for the proper functioning of companies; but achieving a true synergy from the combination of talents is what can really make a company stand out from another, with a great competitive advantage.

How can this be achieved? One of the main keys to achieving synergy between multi-generational workers lies in the design of the office and workspaces.

While the most senior generation prefers private spaces in line with their hierarchical level to work in, the Baby Boom generation moves comfortably between broader spectrums, but also appreciates personal space. Millennials, however, are comfortable in informal, non-hierarchical, open spaces, which allows them to socialize more.

Create the design that suits you best

The key lies in creating a hybrid office design that allows all workers to feel good, while at the same time interacting and working as a team. To this end, there are some spaces that should not be missing in a multi-generational office:

Private spaces, Common areas. Work stations, Soundproof rooms, Furniture adapted to the physical needs of each generation.


For an office with a hybrid design to work well, it is necessary to talk to employees and get to know each one’s needs. Once the spaces are established, it is important to convey the use, ground rules, and purpose of each space. 

Regardless of the design of your office, it should always be in the best hygienic conditions. People will immediately notice the difference and give you a chance.

And you need to reciprocate with a safe and sanitary place.

Finally, cleanliness helps your customers and employees feel more comfortable in your establishment. 

So stop looking, Quick Cleaning is the company you need. Concentrate your time on other tasks in your business and leave the cleaning in the hands of highly trained and experienced professionals.

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