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How Winter Affects An Apartment

How Winter Affects An Apartment

Oh, winter. One of the nicest seasons out there. We get a few days off, kids don’t go to school, and we can stay inside our apartment or home depending on how harsh the weather is. Yet, while it is an amazing time of the year, there are a few things that can affect our stay at home. Weather is hard during the season and it brings a lot of chances inside our apartment. From mold to even some common allergens. All of these things tell us how winter affects an apartment and that’s what we’ll touch upon today.

Increase in allergies

While spring is the season for allergies, winter can get some triggers too. Given how we stay most of the time inside our apartments, it can be almost hard to notice how dust and mold appear. Yet, these two things are key things of how winter affects an apartment. It is important that you make sure that you clean your apartment constantly to prevent any allergies. While they aren’t as hard as during spring, they can still cause some problems when we’re in winter so, always make sure to help constantly. Whether by yourself or by hiring a cleaning service.

How Winter Affects Your Cleaning
How Winter Affects An Apartment

Dust gathers more often

In this case, when we are at home, it is only normal for us to bring dust inside the apartment. You’ll start noticing that dust will start appearing a bit more often during winter. This is because we are moving more around the house or even if we go out and come back in, dust will come as well. So, add dusting off your furniture to your daily cleaning checklist. Doing so will make sure that no one will be sneezing around the apartment. Hence, reducing the risk of cold infections and such. As always, call us if you want apartment cleaning in the same day and during the season.

Do you need a hand with your cleaning tasks? Call us! We have the best Apartment Cleaning in Chicago!
