Keep Your Office Clean And Tidy
Keeping your office clean and tidy is a task that should be simple, but over the course of long workdays, it can turn into a nightmare. As a general rule, whatever your workspace is, we spend more hours in the office than in our own home, hence the importance of keeping it clean and tidy. Additionally we recommend the following post: New Hygiene Measures In Commercial Premises.
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Essential keys
There are three essential keys to achieve this: discipline, routine and respect.
Discipline because we need to be professional not only with the work we do, but also with the space in which we carry it out. Your office is part of you, of your brand, of your image and, therefore, of the work you do.
Routine because it is useless to take care of a general and deep cleaning once a month if you do not maintain daily habits of order and cleanliness.
Respect because, be that as it may, you are not alone in that space, or you are not going to be. You may not have colleagues but you do have clients or collaborators, and they deserve to be received in facilities in optimal conditions. Also, we recommend this post: How to Plan an Office Halloween Party.
Routines to keep my office clean and tidy
Try not to have too many personal things in your workspace.
Recycle: paper, printer toner, coffee machine cups, don’t print unless it is strictly necessary, etc. And remember, the less garbage you accumulate, the less garbage you will have to clean up.
No food during working hours
Don’t eat or drink at your desk. Not only are you putting at risk all the documentation we were talking about, not to mention the computer equipment. But you are also producing unnecessary dirt: crumbs, leftover food, marks from glasses on the table, etc. Finally, we recommend the following post: Order And Cleanliness In Offices.
We remind you that it is advisable to stop to rest, stretch your legs and take the air so that the working day is 100% profitable and we can clear our minds and rest our eyes from the computer, cleaning is a perfect excuse to maintain this healthy habit.
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