Determine actions to be implemented in churches to avoid dirt and bacterial contamination. Action protocol for churches. First of all, we recommend our next post: Churches In The New Normality.
Perform cleaning and disinfection on floors and high contact surfaces such as kneelers and pews. Contact surfaces such as kneelers and pews, before and after each religious celebration.
So, Cleaning can be done with soap and water or with a bleach solution, adhering to
In addition, bleach solution, following the recommendations of the bleach the recommendations of the brand of bleach used. Additionally we recommend our next post: Church Floor Cleaning.
Establish a supervisory filter with a remote thermometer to restrict access by people with high temperatures. Also, restrict the access of people with temperature above 37 degrees,
And with catarrhal symptoms (runny nose, nasal or conjunctival congestion, dry or productive cough, watery eyes, etc.).
Encourage non-attendance of people in risk groups: elderly people, pregnant women, anyone with. Also, history of diabetes, hypertension or respiratory diseases,
In addition, as well as the immunocompromised. This is especially important at well-attended religious celebrations.
In addition, having a cleaning service for places as crowded as a religious center is very important. Give visitors a safe and hygienic place. Finally we recommend you: Disinfection Of Churches.
Finally, Quick Cleaning is the commercial cleaning service you need. We also have flexible hours for your convenience. Our staff is highly trained to execute any task.
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